The Darshan of Light
The session begins with a moment in silence, all together, in order to feel our own presence and to quiet down our mind.
Through gaze, Vilaas Chetana will makes us feel the light of the concentrated presence. Then, each person will come in front of her and will receive her embrace. By this embrace, she will help unravel some resistances within ourselves.
After this moment, we will have the time to lie down and to integrate all the benefits felt.
The whole session will be done in silence.
How does this work?
Let’s imagine a hole in a door lock. The door could represent our brain, and the lock, the capacity we have to let the Light go in.
The more we are open to receive, the more we can anchor this lightning presence within ourselves.
The Workshop
During the “Soin Lumière” Darshan, we experiment a powerful moment, a kind of bond with the Truth.
For those willing to deepen the “Soin Lumière” received, Vilaas Chetana can give workshops the next day.
Through the staging of a questioning or a feeling of the present instant, we will be able to seize and perceive the part of ourselves in resistance. We will also feel the lightning parts of ourselves, these parts that allow our own transformation.
During these workshops, we will be experimenting, physically, our own Light and anchor it deeper within ourselves